Foot/Heel Injuries

Metatarsalgia and Mortons Neuroma

Here is a real email I recently received from a patient in another state who reached out to me because his doctor want to operate on him even though he admits he does not know what is causing the patients symptoms.  But before you read the email take a minute and read the below paragraph as it pert [...]

By |2024-01-25T10:05:17-08:00January 25th, 2024|Foot/Heel Injuries, Running Injuries, Sports Injuries|0 Comments

Do Flat Feet Cause Foot or Arch Pain?

Recently a 13 year old non-athlete came to our clinic complaining of left sided foot/arch pain the occurs if he is on his feet for extended periods of time and he wears non-supportive shoes such as flip flops or VANS.  We asked him the typical questions that someone with plantar fasciitis would answ [...]

By |2020-11-04T09:50:45-08:00November 3rd, 2020|Foot/Heel Injuries|2 Comments

What Causes Burning Foot Pain

Dr. Allen please help! Everyday I walk 4 miles to stay healthy but don't feel like I  have used the proper shoes. In the morning when I wake up there is no pain, when I walk there is no pain. After walking or standing for a period of time I feel burning pain on my heel radiating to my ball and toes. [...]

By |2020-03-13T11:24:03-07:00March 13th, 2020|Foot/Heel Injuries|0 Comments

Do Orthotics Help Chronic Foot Pain?

A person with chronic foot pain wrote to me recently asking if custom orthotics would help her chronic foot pain. Please see my responses in italics I am currently 52 years old and have suffered with foot pain for 20 years. I used to do quite a bit of running in my 20's and 30's. After pain develop [...]

5th Metatarsal Pain in a Long Distance Runner.  Stress Fracture or Muscle Strain?

Hey Doc I need your Help! I am an avid, competitive runner. I developed pin point pain right on my 5th metatarsal. I could no longer run because I had pain on the lateral portion of my foot. The doctor suspected a stress fracture, put me in a boot and sent me for an MRI. I got the report back and me [...]

Plantar Plate Tears and Sprains Can Heal Without Surgery

I recently interviewed a new patient who had a 3 month history of pain in the ball of her foot near where the second toe meets the foot.   In anatomy speak we call this the Metatarsal region.  She struggled with this pain and eventually saw a podiatrist who told her she probably had Capsulitis and r [...]

By |2018-04-17T09:43:59-07:00April 17th, 2018|Foot/Heel Injuries, Running Injuries, Sports Injuries|1 Comment

Dr. Allen help! My foot hurts and my doctor’s are not helping!!

Dr. Allen, I have had pain in 2nd inter-digital space/metatarsal head for almost two years now. I have bunions outside both my little toes and currently run in Altra shoes to accommodate the space needed. The pain ebbs and flows as I decrease/increase my mileage. Currently I can run around 6 miles b [...]

By |2018-04-17T13:51:08-07:00February 9th, 2018|Foot/Heel Injuries, Running Injuries, Sports Injuries|0 Comments

What is Sesamoiditis?

What is Sesamoiditis? There are 2 sesamoid bones beneath your big toe.  These 2 bones function as a lever so that you can generate more force when you push off your toe as in running.  The sesamoids are attached to the flexor tendons in your foot.  These tendons transmit force which allows you to pr [...]

By |2018-06-04T10:59:33-07:00October 25th, 2017|Foot/Heel Injuries|Comments Off on What is Sesamoiditis?
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